The most important thing is to foresee which direction consumers are heading.

Get to know your customers like never before with online surveys: the key tool to discover their needs, measure their satisfaction and make strategic decisions that drive your sales and brand success.
Detail of a stars rating question and the different methods to deliver the survey to your target audience.

Marketing & Sales helps market research, sales, advertising, research and development, and customer service departments execute efficient and effective studies. Online surveys provide the necessary information to better understand potential customers, the competition and to monitor how effective the resources given to marketing and sales are.

Examples of studies:

Researching market, user or competitors

Online surveys are a simple and economic way of monitoring market trends. By carrying out these surveys (product test, name test, price test), purchase behavior information is obtained from customers illustrating why they buy, how they choose who to buy from, and what they intend to buy in the future.

Customer satisfaction

Providing a good service does not consist solely of understanding the customer's needs. It is important to ensure that the service is received. In addition to measuring  customers' satisfaction, it is essential to determine the different degrees of satisfaction, given that the difference between a satisfied customer and a dissatisfied one could be a significant change when it comes to repeating the purchase.

Your Website visitors

Discover who visits  Your Website, , his or her socio-demographic profile and other useful decision-making information. It is imperative to find out your   website visitors’ satisfaction level, , their opinion on the buying process, and to identify the pros and cons of the website.