Coffee Branding Awareness
Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey about branding

Your responses will be kept confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than research
This survey will take less than 5 minutes.
*1. What is your current age?
2. Where are you from?
3. Please indicate your current annual income range?
*4. What is your gender:
5. How often do you drink coffee?
6. Approximately how many years have you been a coffee drinker?
7. Do you feel that your coffee drinking has increased over the last 5 years?
8. In order of preference, please rank these items:
(1= Most preferred 7= Least preferred)
Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
Coffee you make at home
Angel in US
Dunkin Donuts
Coffee made at your work place
Other (i.e. coffee carts and small business)
*9. What do you like of a Gourmet Coffee Shop? (0=nothing, 7= so much)
Quality of service
Quality of products
Innovative products
Friendly community
10. On average, how much you normally spend per cup of coffee? (in USD)
11. What time do you like drinking coffee?
*12. Where does the best coffee come from?
13. Which one is the Best Coffee Producer?
*14. Which one is the Richest Coffee Producer?
15. Do you agree that Gourmet Coffee beverages are good to?
 Completely DisagreeDisagreeNuetralAgreeComletely Agree
Get going in the morning
Socialize over with friends or family
Treat yourself
Relax with at home
Complement a rich dessert
Take a break from work / study
Re-energize at work/study
Learn more about commuities that grow coffees
*16. Does it matter, when you buy a coffee? (0 is nothing, 7 is so much)
Country of procedence
*17. If you were now in a Coffee shop, Which coffee brand would you buy?
This survey is finished.

Thank you very much for your cooperation! no es responsable de ningún contenido enviado y/o incluido en esta encuesta/examen.

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